Meier House Removals

House raising, re-positioning, sliding and removals
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Why You Should Never Renovate Before Raising Your House in Brisbane

Raising your house is a great way to add more space and goes hand-in-hand with other renovations to do the same. However, just because all of your home renovations are out to achieve the same goal doesn’t mean you can…

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Benefits of Repositioning, Spinning or Sliding Your House in Brisbane

If you love your house but don’t love the position your house is in, you have several solutions that don’t require buying a new one, demolishing and moving. Meier House Removals has helped thousands of Brisbane homeowners solve gripes about…

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The Best Materials to Restump a House in Brisbane

Uneven floors, cracking walls, and jammed windows are all signs your house needs restumping or levelling. Stumps are timber, steel or concrete posts that sit under your house to support your foundation. This process requires prompt attention from a professional…

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Can You Raise a Character House?

Making alterations to character houses or buildings can help you preserve their integrity for years to come. However, some alterations take away from the original characteristic properties. To combat this, Brisbane City Council enacted some regulations to guide renovations and…

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Is Raising and Sliding Your House Cheaper Than Buying a New One?

Before you start looking at houses for sale in Brisbane, consider whether raising or sliding your current house is a better option. If your reason for wanting to move is that you need more space, don’t like your location on…

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Raising Your House versus excavating underneath

Adding a second storey to your home is appealing to many Queenslanders. It offers more room for your family to grow, maintains your current location and increases the resale value of your home. When it comes to adding that storey,…

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How High Can You Raise Your House in Brisbane?

Brisbane residents are no strangers to house raising. It’s an effective way to protect your house from floods, fix a damaged foundation and add a new basement level to your home. The house raising process is just as straightforward as…

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Cost of Raising and Restumping a House in Brisbane

When it comes to raising or restumping your house, several costs exist outside of paying a house raising specialist. For instance, you have to pay for soil tests and may have to pay for a DA Development Application. Furthermore, you’ll…

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Forms and Approvals Required When Raising and Restumping your House

The planning stage of house raising is the most critical. Before you raise your house in Brisbane, you have to consider several factors, including design and structural elements and proper planning and building approvals and permits. Most Brisbane residents aren’t…

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Why Restumping Your House in Brisbane is Critical

Restumping or reblocking your house can save you from a damaged foundation and ensure your house stays standing for many years to come. You may consider restumping when you’re renovating a house to avoid foundation repairs down the road. However,…

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