Cost of Raising and Restumping a House in Brisbane

brisbane house raising and restumping brisbane house raising brisbane house restumping

Cost of Raising and Restumping a House in Brisbane

1024 683 Felipe Paez

When it comes to raising or restumping your house, several costs exist outside of paying a house raising specialist. For instance, you have to pay for soil tests and may have to pay for a DA Development Application. Furthermore, you’ll need plans from a draftsman and engineer to solidify the locations of the new stumps. After you undergo the raising, restumping and slabbing processes, you’ll need contractors to reconnect services i.e. electrical plumbing and other utilities. As you can imagine, these costs add up.

Meier House Removals has been helping homeowners in Queensland raise and restump their houses for over 40 years. In this post, we’ll break down the average cost of house raising and how you might be able to save money.

Average Cost of House Raising

On average, the cost of raising and restumping a three-bedroom house in Brisbane is between $50,000 to $60,000. Factors that influence where your house falls within this range include the original material of your stumps; the soil quality; whether you need a new foundation, and if your house is on a slope.

Then you have to allow for in the cost of other services like plans, approvals, Surveyor, plumbing, electrical, excavation, building materials and other contract work.

House Raising and Restumping Process

House raising involves raising your entire house above the ground (as marked out by the Surveyor) and placing it on temporary steel and timber sty blocks.

Restumping begins with raising your house and then extending or replacing the existing stumps. Depending on what the new stump and levelling new stump in the new foundation. The size of your house and the slope of the ground affect the cost of restumping.

Save Money on House Raising

While house raising and restumping are significant investments, they’re still cheaper than the alternatives of buying a new house or building from scratch.

The best way to save money on raising or restumping your house is to find a contractor that specialises in several of the services you need. Meier House Removals offers raising, levelling, spinning, restumping and house relocation. Furthermore, we work with a network of Draftsman, Engineers Surveyors, Builders and other service providers to help you secure the right approvals and best prices on quality work.

To obtain the most accurate quote on your house raising project, ensure you have a full set of plans and approvals ready for your house raiser. These include drawings, building plans, planning approval and soil tests.

To request a quote on raising and restumping your house in Brisbane, call Meier House Removals on 07 3849 1122.