Modify Your Home with House Repositioning

Illustration of crane hook raising miniature house

Modify Your Home with House Repositioning

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Many people buy a house and then find that the position of the house creates problems for renovations when they want to upgrade. Others find that they have great building options but need to re-position to make the project possible.

Re-positioning a house can solve multiple problems and deliver serious positives in terms of upgrades, renovations, and extensions. There are several ways to re-position your house to deliver excellent lifestyle choices and real dollar values for your home.


Re-positioning Options and Considerations

If you’re not familiar with house re-positioning, you’ll be astonished at what’s possible:


House raising –

This option is used to get a better view and to create space for a lower storey or split level home design. This is a very space-efficient, simple and highly effective option for a vast range of home design choices.


House re-positioning –

Re-positioning is used to deliver space for upgrades and extensions. In some cases, this can simultaneously deal with site space problems. A house can be moved almost anywhere onsite, very efficiently, to allow for new building and outdoor facilities.


House rotation –

This involves literally turning the house around; for example, from facing east to facing north. Rotation can be an excellent way of managing sun exposure and creating adjoining space for extensions, outdoor amenities, landscaping, etc.


Combination moves –

You can re-position, re-stump, raise and rotate your house in a single move. Just think what that would cost as a new building proposition. It’s a lot cheaper, simpler, and quicker to re-position than it is to do a new build.


Serious Positive Values of House Re-positioning for Homeowners

In Australia’s very hot property market, value is the name of the game. Adding value is common sense while getting value is the other side of the equation; house re-positioning can deliver that for you.

When you re-position a house, you’ll get a clear cost base to work with. You won’t have to deal with budget risks, “surprises” with extra building costs, or blue sky/blank-cheque cost problems.

Re-positioning also avoids the downright scary costs and issues involved in building from scratch. New builds may also have problems, occasionally caused by the need to deal with current house positioning problems. You can see why house re-positioning is now considered a brilliant option for house upgrades.


Expert Help, Every Step of the Way

Another strong positive is that re-positioning is quite quick compared to a new build. Simply moving the house allows you to avoid the lengthy (and sometimes very frustrating) time frames for major building work.

The other, high-value benefit of re-positioning is getting expert advice. Your house relocation people are problem solvers. They know how to deal with possible issues and they can explain all aspects of the re-positioning process. They can also help you with planning your new extension or upgrade, and all the technical help you need is built into their services.


Talk to Meier House Removals about House Re-positioning in Brisbane

For all the help and support you need with re-positioning a house in Brisbane, just call Meier House Removals. Speak directly to our experts on 07 3171 9358 or contact us online and we’ll be happy to provide any services, advice, and practical assistance you need.